1001 Beers: Boont Amber

Beer Number 6: Anderson Valley Brewing Company Boont Amber

The bahlest steinber hornin', chiggrul gormin' tidrick in the heelch of the Boont Region!

This is what the natives of the Northern Californian town of Boonville will say about this beer. This quite intrigued me... especially being I have no idea what they are talking about. But, nonetheless, This is a great amber ale.

Seriously, one of the best Ambers I have tasted. It had a little bit of a tartness, but overall very clean and very simple. Maybe I am just over the whole hop experience of every other beer in the world but it was very rich. Not in the sweet way, just in how I would expect the flavor of an amber would be. I guess... since you are not me, you don't know what this means but hey. It was damn good. It was slightly roasty and a tad hoppy. The hops filled in the back end. You got the smoothness of the beer up front and did not have to deal with the BS of every amber that is out now. I loved it. A very basic Amber in everyway. I really do not know what else to say.

995 Bottles of Beer To Go!

Bahl Hornin!

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