1001 Beers: Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse

Beer Number 39: Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse

This beer was just another random pick up down at the Flying Saucer and not a bad one either. Though, I think they could have presented it to me a little better.

The roots of this brewery go back to 1363, when a small brewing enterprise was started near the Franciscan (Franzikaner) monastery in Munich. Its founder, Seidel Vaterstetter, first sold it in 1377, with the purchaser selling it on again within a year. By 1381, things had turned full circle, with the founder of the brewery renting it back from the third owner! In fact, for almost 500 years the brewery was very successful, attracting new owners with clockwork-like regularity.
The down and dirty. I loved this beer. A nice hazy deep orange hued beverage. The head did not last long, not that there was much room in my glass for one though. Just the right touch of cloves and banana. That banana was all over the nose as well. This is what I look for in a hefe. Damn amazing. I can't believe I only had one! If you know of something equal or greater than this, let me know!

962 Bottle Of Beer To Go!


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