Homebrew Advent Calendar: Day 2

Today we step into a new world! Completely different from the last and I am very much looking forward to it. A Gingerbread Stout. I had one before at White Street Brewing that was fantastic. Real quick, here are some notes from the brewer.
With the weather about to get cooler I was in the mood to try my hands at a Gingerbread Stout. The goal was to end up with a sweet stout, that had a full mouth feel and could provide a little warmth.
The recipe looks pretty involved, so I wonder how that will play out. Some basic stats about this beer,
Brew date: 9/22/2013 Kegged: 10/27/2013 OG 1.088 FG 1.032 ABV 7.38%
Lets get to the tasting!

So I may have been in the real of, I was not really paying attention/I didn't care because it's Quad Day and I poured it a little overly aggressive. My bad. I got a lot of sweet character on the nose that I am attributing to the lactose in this Sweet Stout. No hops, esters, or anything crazy but there was one aromatic that stood out above all else... Ginger!

Let me just say, I LOVE GINGER! So that did not bother me at all. I love how aggressive it was. Whether that was the brewers intention or not, fantastic move. I hate when a beer advertises a specific ingredient and you cannot find it at all. Even something as simple as "Bourbon Barrel Aged".

As you can see from the photo, the big fluffy tan head and the beer poured quite clear and deep brown. The first sensation you get while drinking this one is the ginger that is cut by a very roasty/bitter character. Sweet initially but then dries out and finishes slightly astringent, but I would say appropriately so. Creamy full body, perfect carbonation. A little chocolate malt characteristic in there as well. A nice warming character to round it all out.

I love this beer and glad it made the calendar. Might have been better on a cooler night, but the Advent Calendar Gods decided this would be the day.


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